FIFA Club World Cup 2023: Omfattande Guide till Spelschema, Ställningar, Skyttekungar & Assist


Liga data

Stående:Hel- och halvtidsdata för olika årstider.

Matchdata:Historiska matchdata för olika årstider, inklusive poäng, odds, hörn, handikapp, över/under, röda och gula kort och andra live-matchdetaljer.

Fotbollsspelardata:Spelarposter, inklusive gjorda mål, rena lakan och passerar.

Handla omFIFA Club World Cup

The Club World Cup has undergone many restructurings. The current competition system is divided into four rounds. The participating teams are the champions of the six continental clubs and the host country club league champions:Qualifiers: Single match, Oceania champion vs. host country champion;Quarter-finals: Two games, the participants are the winners of the qualifiers and the champions of Asia, Africa and North America;Semi-final: Two games, the participants are the quarter-final winners and European and South American champions;Finals and three or four finalists: one game each, between the two winners and two losers in the semi-finals.