Greece Super League A 2023: Omfattande Guide till Spelschema, Ställningar, Skyttekungar & Assist

Liga data

Stående:Hel- och halvtidsdata för olika årstider.

Matchdata:Historiska matchdata för olika årstider, inklusive poäng, odds, hörn, handikapp, över/under, röda och gula kort och andra live-matchdetaljer.

Fotbollsspelardata:Spelarposter, inklusive gjorda mål, rena lakan och passerar.

Handla omGreece Super League A

There are a total of 14 teams in the Greece National A (2020-2021), which is played in a double round-robin tournament with 26 rounds. The winner will get 3 points and the loser will get no points. If there is a draw, each side will get 1 point. The final decision of the ranking is based on the points. If the points are the same, then the ranking will be determined by the game result. The top six teams in the league will participate in the UEFA Champions League qualifying play-offs, and the last eight teams will participate in the relegation play-offs.