Hong Kong Premier League 2023: Omfattande Guide till Spelschema, Ställningar, Skyttekungar & Assist

Liga data

Stående:Hel- och halvtidsdata för olika årstider.

Matchdata:Historiska matchdata för olika årstider, inklusive poäng, odds, hörn, handikapp, över/under, röda och gula kort och andra live-matchdetaljer.

Fotbollsspelardata:Spelarposter, inklusive gjorda mål, rena lakan och passerar.

Handla omHong Kong Premier League

The first season kicked of in September 2014, with 9 teams competing for the championship. It was initially suggested that a relegation system would not apply for the first few seasons, and that teams would continue to be promoted to the top tier league until there were 12 member clubs.[6] In the end, however, the HKFA decided that one club would be relegated and one club would be promoted from the 2014-15 Hong Kong First Division League.[7] The winners of the league are entered into the second qualifying round of the AFC Champions League, while the Hong Kong FA Cup winners and teams finishing in 2nd, 3rd and 4th compete in a playoff for a place in the AFC Cup. If the FA Cup winners finish in the top four, then the extra playoff spot goes to the 5th place team.